Cultivate energy saving habits

Energy saving habits are easy to learn. By changing your daily habits, you can save resources and money and reduce your contribution to global warming.

The cost of energy is rising and the threats posed by climate change are increasing. However, with just a bit of effort, the average household can reduce its energy use by about one-third – and save money on energy bills at the same time. The energy efficiency of the latest technology is improving and using common sense, we can significantly reduce our energy use.

How to do it now!

Simple adjustments to your daily habits can save tonnes of CO2 going into the atmosphere everyday. Some new habits to get you started include the following:

  • Switch off lights when you don’t need them
  • Use a power meter to conduct a home energy assessment

    Many local Councils have home energy kits available to help you pinpoint high energy consuming appliances and provide you with information on how much each appliance costs to run. By better understanding your energy consumption you can learn to make simple changes, potentially saving several hundred dollars a year and tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Switch off electrical appliances when not in use

    Standby power accounts for about 4 per cent of the average homes energy use, so turn it off at the power point to save energy and money!

  • Turn down your thermostat and throw on a jumper

    Turning it down by just 1°C can save you up to 10 per cent on your heating bill.

  • Use pot lids when cooking

    Keep lids on pans when cooking and reduce the energy required.

  • Cold drink of water

    Keep drinking water in the fridge instead of letting the tap water run for a few moments before the water becomes cold.

  • Drying your clothes

    Let clothes dry naturally on the clothesline rather than using a tumble dryer.

To learn a new habit requires a couple of simple steps:

  1. As a household decide the habits you’re going to establish and ensure everyone is onboard.
  2. Set up reminders (e.g. notes on the fridge, light switches, etc). Empower the kids to dob you in (they’ll love that).
  3. Do the habit consciously for a week, then two, then it should be established and your subconscious will keep it going.
  4. At the end of each energy billing period note the saving and reward yourselves.

Additional resources

Why is this action important?

Sustainable living guide