Harnessing the Power of the Sun: How to Make the Most of Your Solar Panels

With the weather conditions being the way they are in Australia, it really should come as no surprise that solar panels are extremely popular across the country. If your home is one of the over 3 million to have installed solar panels, stick around to learn more about how to best enjoy the free green energy your system produces.

To be able to make the most of solar power, there are several measures you will want to take. Below you can find some handy information regarding your solar panels, as well as tips on how to maximize their efficiency.

How do solar panels work?

As you probably already know, your solar panels operate by converting sunlight into usable electricity for your home. This happens through the photovoltaic effect, by which the photons in sunlight come in contact with the electrons in the silicon of the solar panels, causing them to release energy.

Solar panels require sunlight exposure to function. However, this doesn’t mean that they only work well in the summer months, even though that is when they are at their most efficient. Even in cloudy conditions, your solar panels continue to generate some energy, so you will be able to make use of the electricity they produce year-round.

How much energy do solar panels produce?

The amount of electricity your solar panels produce depends on the size of your solar panel system. For instance, a 4kW solar panel system will have a yearly output of around 3.000-3.500 kWh.

The larger the size of your solar panel system, the larger its power output. To determine what the best solar panel size for your home is, you will want to carefully consider how much electricity you consume.

How long can you enjoy the benefits of your solar panels?

Solar panels have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years. Some solar panels might continue to work past this period, but you will notice a significant decrease in their energy efficiency. This is because of the solar panel degradation process that occurs inevitably, regardless of the original quality of your solar panels.

However, with the proper care and maintenance, you can maintain and even potentially increase the lifespan of your solar panels and enjoy free green energy for longer.

How can you make the most of your solar panels?

If you want to benefit from the sustainable energy produced by your solar panels for as long as possible, there are a few measures you will want to take. You can find an overview of those below:

Make sure that your solar panels are well-maintained

Any debris on the surface of your solar panels will detrimentally affect your system’s ability to generate energy efficiently. To avoid any such issues, you should regularly clean your solar panels. You should consider working with a professional to get this important work done.

You will also want to regularly have your solar panels checked for any potential damage. This way, you can spot any repairs in time and ensure that you are not missing out on solar panel efficiency.

Consider installing a solar battery

You may already have wondered: are solar batteries worth it? The short answer is yes. Solar batteries are designed to store any excess energy that your solar panels produce and store it for later use. This is especially useful during adverse weather conditions and in the months when there is less sunlight.

So, if you want to take your solar panels to the next level, you might want to consider installing a solar battery in your home. By pairing your solar panel system with a solar battery, you can rest assured that you will have enough sustainably-produced electricity to use during colder, darker days.

Work with trusted solar panel installers

The importance of choosing the right solar panel installer cannot be overstated. Working with a highly-experienced installer ensures that your solar panels will be installed safely and that they won’t suffer any damage in the process.

What is more, some installers also offer workmanship warranties of varied durations. You will want to check these, as well as manufacturer warranties, to ensure that you can benefit from any necessary maintenance or repairs to your solar panel system.

Next steps

Hopefully you now have a better idea of what measures you can take to make the most of your solar panels. Whether you are due for some solar panel maintenance, are ready to install a solar battery storage system, or your solar panels have reached the end of their lifespan, the most important aspect you must consider is the expertise of the installer you choose to work with.

The best way to find trustworthy professionals for the job on your solar panels is to compare several installation companies. You will want to take a look at customer reviews, check the years of experience that each installer has, and cross-check the service costs they charge.

By doing so, you will be placing your solar panels in good care, which guarantees that you will be able to enjoy your efficient solar panel system for longer!

Sustainable living guide