Buy green office Products
Organisations have significant buying power. Swinging that power around to make the best use of our limited resources is easier than ever. Our workplaces provide
Make your profession sustainable
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor! How can we reduce the environmental impact of our own profession? The change required to create a sustainable society and heal
Join the green team
Join or create a work team focused on dreaming up and implementing schemes to reduce the impact your workplace has on the environment. The understanding
No junk mail or spam
Time and paper are precious resources. Junk mail, email spam and unsolicited phone calls waste both time and paper, so let’s get rid of them!
Get rid of your second-hand goods
By passing your second-hand or unused goods on to someone who will use them, you are both reducing the environmental resources required to satisfy our
Cultivate waste reduction habits
The average Australian household wastes more than $1,000 every year purchasing items they never use. So use what you buy, buy less and save. A
Recycle technical waste
Replicating nature’s nutrient cycle by creating closed loops for the recycling and reuse of those man-made (technical) elements of our consumption delivers efficiency, reduces cost
Recycle organic waste
Nutrient recycling is the foundation of life. Today’s organic waste is tomorrow’s lunch, so look after those worms and compost piles. Much of the journey
Immerse yourself in nature
Go hiking, bird watch, swim in the sea or simply enjoy nature and your connection to it. It’s good for the body and great for
Join an urban regeneration group
Community groups are helping to rehabilitate weed choked native vegetation, enabling it to regenerate and thus, restoring native biodiversity. Find your local group and lend